Back from her US tour: The interview with Menna Mulugeta (II/II)

Men­na, you found fame in the Ger­man-lan­guage region through „The Voice of Ger­many“. What did you hope to gain from com­pet­ing in the show and were your expec­ta­tions fulfilled?

I just want­ed to get out of the Mainz-Bin­gen area and get some expe­ri­ence. And I suc­ceed­ed in that! The dream of becom­ing rich and famous after a show like that is just that – a dream. But that’s not what it was about. Many ele­ments of show busi­ness, tele­vi­sion inter­views, for exam­ple, are (now) much eas­i­er for me.

Your coach dur­ing the show was Nena. How did
that help you and your music?

It was a chal­lenge being in Nena’s team as we work in entire­ly dif­fer­ent worlds of music. But what I did learn from her was to always be your­self and that you should always try to stick to your guns. 


What hap­pened after „The Voice of Germany“?

I received book­ings from clients and agen­cies all over Ger­many. And, of course, the show made orga­niz­ing the tour much eas­i­er. The task now is to find a pro­mot­er or a man­ag­er who can help me reach even more peo­ple with my music.

Since when have you actu­al­ly known about ENERGETIX?

I sang dur­ing an ENERGETIX event at the Eber­bach Monastery in July 2013. It was a very spe­cial show for me and my pianist, Ger­not Blume, because the atmos­phere was just so won­der­ful. The sound in the church and the spe­cial audi­ence has stayed with us. 

Do you have a favourite piece of jewellery?

That changes a lot. But, at the moment, I love the gold­en cross chain from the „Ori­en­tal Fas­ci­na­tion“ range. It reminds me of the tra­di­tion­al cross­es you often see in Ethiopia.

In your brief state­ment pub­lished on ENER­GETIX’s offi­cial Face­book page, you wrote that you always wore ENERGETIX jew­ellery for luck. Are you a lucky person? 

I’m actu­al­ly real­ly lucky. Many things in my life just come togeth­er at the right time!

And what can your fans look for­ward to in future?

I’m just as curi­ous as my fans to see what doors will be open­ing for me in the future. I would like to broad­en the Ethiopi­an side of my music and find a man­ag­er who can help me per­form on even big­ger stages. 

I’ll be singing at one of ENER­GETIX’s events in Jan­u­ary and I’m hap­py to do more shows for the company!

Thank you, Men­na, for the great inter­view. We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing more of you and your band and wish you lots of suc­cess in the future!