Strong cultures: Kenya, day 3, Nakuru


„Dear dis­trib­u­tor,

Day 3 of our Kenya train­ing trip is almost over. It sounds almost unbe­liev­able but it was even more event­ful than yes­ter­day! Enjoy the reports of the win­ners, some of them had tears in their eyes today.
I’d just briefly like to explain why we call it a „train­ing“ trip. There is an incred­i­ble amount to see; today there were 6 jeeps with a mot­ley col­lec­tion of dis­trib­u­tors in each and it was refresh­ing to see and hear how intense­ly they exchanged ideas, even though some of them had­n’t known each oth­er before: How do I orga­nize a fair with sev­er­al dis­trib­u­tors? How do you approach peo­ple at fairs? What aspects do you focus on when run­ning train­ing ses­sions? So what’s new in the new cat­a­logue? All of them are expe­ri­enced and suc­cess­ful dis­trib­u­tors but they are always learn­ing from each oth­er, both pro­fes­sion­al­ly and in human terms.

So we call it a train­ing trip! And the ambiance is always excep­tion­al! I hope that next time it will be togeth­er with you!

Greet­ings from the Equator.

Klaus-Peter Thiel“



Nadia Mar­ti­na, Switzerland:
Après 100 km sur des routes bien chargées (per­son­nes sen­si­bles s’abstenir) nous arrivons au parc Nation­al du Lac Naku­ru. Un par­cours mag­nifique nous attend, dans un décor sauvage de rêve. Végé­ta­tion abon­dante par la sai­son des pluies. Arbres majestueux, cer­tains effon­drés, routes affais­sées, etc. … on imag­ine l’intensité des pluies tor­ren­tielles. Mais ensuite un rêve, une éten­due à per­le de vue dans laque­lle on décou­vre à quelques mètres de nous, un nom­bre impres­sion­nant d’animaux sauvages vivant sere­ine­ment dans cette réserve. A midi un sym­pa­thique pique-nique a été organ­isé en dessus du lac avec un point de vue mag­nifique. Nous sommes de retard à l’Hôtel, fatigués, mais avec des images inou­bli­ables dans la tête.“ 



Michelle B. Vigu­ié, EX Puer­to Rico:
„Des­de el momen­to en que lleg­amos a Kenya pude sen­tir la grandeza y mag­ni­tud de este país. Siem­pre me ha gus­ta­do ver en la tv los ani­males sal­va­jes (leones, zebras, jirafas, ele­fantes, rinoserontes, etc.) pero ten­er la opor­tu­nidad de estar tan cer­ca, inter­ac­tu­ar y has­ta tocar­los esta fuera de este mun­do. Sien­to la grandeza y sim­pleza del país y es una expe­ri­en­cia úni­ca e inolvid­able. ¡No hay pal­abras para describir la mag­ni­tud y lo tremen­do que me sien­to el estar aqui en Kenya! Despues de todo, Africa es “ the cra­dle of mankind“ (la cuna de la humanidad) y estando aqui puedo decir que se siente la esen­cia y el impacto de esta frase.“

IMG_7201Natasha Vigu­ié, EX Puer­to Rico:
„Com­ing to Africa has been a dream come true! A once in a life­time expe­ri­ence I have enjoyed since day one with my Ener­getix fam­i­ly. I have come to real­ize that the co-exis­tence of wildlife and man is pos­si­ble through admi­ra­tion and respect for the life and space of each and every­one bring­ing bal­ance and harmony.
This has been an amaz­ing jour­ney! I love Kenya and its people!!!

Add Kenya to your buck­et list and come visit!!!“
