„Dear distributor,
Day 3 of our Kenya training trip is almost over. It sounds almost unbelievable but it was even more eventful than yesterday! Enjoy the reports of the winners, some of them had tears in their eyes today.
I’d just briefly like to explain why we call it a „training“ trip. There is an incredible amount to see; today there were 6 jeeps with a motley collection of distributors in each and it was refreshing to see and hear how intensely they exchanged ideas, even though some of them hadn’t known each other before: How do I organize a fair with several distributors? How do you approach people at fairs? What aspects do you focus on when running training sessions? So what’s new in the new catalogue? All of them are experienced and successful distributors but they are always learning from each other, both professionally and in human terms.
So we call it a training trip! And the ambiance is always exceptional! I hope that next time it will be together with you!
Greetings from the Equator.
Klaus-Peter Thiel“
Nadia Martina, Switzerland:
„Après 100 km sur des routes bien chargées (personnes sensibles s’abstenir) nous arrivons au parc National du Lac Nakuru. Un parcours magnifique nous attend, dans un décor sauvage de rêve. Végétation abondante par la saison des pluies. Arbres majestueux, certains effondrés, routes affaissées, etc. … on imagine l’intensité des pluies torrentielles. Mais ensuite un rêve, une étendue à perle de vue dans laquelle on découvre à quelques mètres de nous, un nombre impressionnant d’animaux sauvages vivant sereinement dans cette réserve. A midi un sympathique pique-nique a été organisé en dessus du lac avec un point de vue magnifique. Nous sommes de retard à l’Hôtel, fatigués, mais avec des images inoubliables dans la tête.“
Michelle B. Viguié, EX Puerto Rico:
„Desde el momento en que llegamos a Kenya pude sentir la grandeza y magnitud de este país. Siempre me ha gustado ver en la tv los animales salvajes (leones, zebras, jirafas, elefantes, rinoserontes, etc.) pero tener la oportunidad de estar tan cerca, interactuar y hasta tocarlos esta fuera de este mundo. Siento la grandeza y simpleza del país y es una experiencia única e inolvidable. ¡No hay palabras para describir la magnitud y lo tremendo que me siento el estar aqui en Kenya! Despues de todo, Africa es “ the cradle of mankind“ (la cuna de la humanidad) y estando aqui puedo decir que se siente la esencia y el impacto de esta frase.“
Natasha Viguié, EX Puerto Rico:
„Coming to Africa has been a dream come true! A once in a lifetime experience I have enjoyed since day one with my Energetix family. I have come to realize that the co-existence of wildlife and man is possible through admiration and respect for the life and space of each and everyone bringing balance and harmony.
This has been an amazing journey! I love Kenya and its people!!!
Add Kenya to your bucket list and come visit!!!“