ENERGETIX goes northeast: Berlin makes the running


© Peter — Fotolia.com

The eager­ly await­ed results from the online sur­vey – „Mainz or Berlin … where will the cat­a­logue be launched in 2013?“ – were announced at ENER­GETIX’s start-of-year meet­ing in Will­in­gen. Berlin clear­ly made the run­ning and so the next ENERGETIX Launch is to be staged in Berlin!

Europe’s largest con­gress and hotel com­plex – the Estrel – in Ger­many’s cap­i­tal will be the place to which ENER­GETIX’s dis­trib­u­tors will be head­ing. Jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions, a rich and var­ied enter­tain­ment pro­gramme, din­ner and accom­mo­da­tion: this remark­able event loca­tion offers ENERGETIX the ben­e­fit among oth­er things of com­bin­ing „every­thing under a sin­gle roof“.

Every­body – both dis­trib­u­tors and the entire ENERGETIX team – is real­ly look­ing for­ward to the next ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin.