Look sporty in the sportEX sports shirt

What is grass green and black, has a silky shine and makes dis­trib­u­tors look good dur­ing sport­ing activ­i­ties or at their sportEX fair / event stand? The sportEX sports shirt from ENERGETIX Bingen.

PP226_SportEX_TrikotThe sports shirt, avail­able in a men’s and ladies‘ fit (S – XXL for both), was pre­miered at the ENERGETIX Start-of-Year-Event in Will­in­gen: the pow­er­ful com­bi­na­tion of colours and the sportEX logo – small on the front and extra large on the back – catch every­one’s eye.


The new sportEX sports shirt met with a great recep­tion at the Start-of-Year-Event in Willingen

As long as stocks last – these tai­lored sports shirts (items PP226 and PP228) are in great demand. Dis­trib­u­tors who make up their minds quick­ly have a clear advan­tage — some sizes are already sold out.