Info-packed motivational event: the 2013 ENERGETIX start-of-year meeting

The eager­ly await­ed ENERGETIX start-of-year meet­ing took place on the sec­ond week­end (10th to 13th) of Jan­u­ary in a snowy, win­tery Will­in­gen. Its slo­gan was „Fit for the next decade“.


It includ­ed a Train-the-train­er sem­i­nar, at which top dis­trib­u­tors pre­sent­ed new train­ing mod­ules on the top­ics of jew­ellery and intro­duc­to­ry train­ing. ENERGETIX edi­tor Otto
Mar­quass also gave a guest talk in which he pro­vid­ed use­ful infor­ma­tion and tips on how to use Healthy at last, the book by Dr. Verena
The cre­ative­ly and moti­va­tion­al­ly stim­u­lat­ing goal col­lage train­ing was anoth­er impor­tant item on the pro­gramme. The use of col­lages for visu­al­iza­tion helps peo­ple become aware of their own wish­es and goals.


CEO Roland Förster

2013 Spring collection
For the first time ever, the eager­ly await­ed new Spring col­lec­tion togeth­er with the hot-off-the-press brochure were pre­sent­ed at the start-of-year meeting.
In addi­tion to the new jew­ellery for ladies, men and chil­dren, a new ENERGETIX prod­uct, the Mag­netTime mod­u­lar wrist­watch, also aroused great interest.

Mainz or Berlin: announce­ment of the 2013 Launch venue 
The secret was revealed, the eager­ly await­ed answer to the ques­tion „Mainz or Berlin – where will the 2013 Cat­a­logue Launch take place?“ was first announced in Will­in­gen. The win­ner, we report­ed, is Berlin. The next ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch will be held in the renowned Estrel Hotel and Con­ven­tion Centre!


Train­er Slat­co Sterzenbach

Phys­i­cal and men­tal fit­ness: holis­tic train­ing with iron­man Slat­co Sterzenbach
Grad­u­ate sports sci­en­tist and best-sell­ing author Slat­co Sterzen­bach, whom ENERGETIX was able to get as a train­er for the start-of-year event, talked about noth­ing but moti­va­tion. The 15-time iron­man gave dis­trib­u­tors clear, prac­ti­cal tips relat­ing to diet, activ­i­ty, sleep, relax­ation and men­tal train­ing so they could in future cope bet­ter with the demands of the day.

Accord­ing to the slo­gan „Fit for the next decade“ it became a sport­ing event, as fit­ness train­er Julia Rit­tner invit­ed all atten­dees to what was effec­tive­ly a Thera-Band workout.

5,000 euros for a good cause 
The dis­trib­u­tor raf­fle raised over 3,000 euros for the cause. Sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster imme­di­ate­ly round­ed up the amount, so in the end 5,000 euros was donat­ed for a school in Nepal. Thanks to the gen­eros­i­ty of ENERGETIX distributors!


Fit­ness train­er Julia Rittner

Con­struc­tive exchange of ideas
The Sun­day meet­ing of the multi­na­tion­al STARCLUB focused on exchang­ing ideas. As well as com­bin­ing with the man­age­ment com­mit­tee to answer one anoth­er’s ques­tions, the „stars“ were called on to make a cre­ative con­tri­bu­tion to the new ENERGETIX decade.

ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors will short­ly receive a Quick­News about the Start-of-year event with more detailed infor­ma­tion and fur­ther photos.