Ivy Quainoo: the Voice of the 2012 Catalogue Launch

Ivy Quain­oo, Michael Zargarine­jad,
Uni­ver­sal Music

What would a great event be with­out a musi­cal high­light? You are right: the pro­gramme would be miss­ing a key ele­ment. So we are absolute­ly delight­ed that we have been able to get Ivy Quain­oo for this year’s ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch on 1 September.

Fly­ing career start

This 19-year-old Berlin-born singer with a pow­er­ful emo­tion­al tim­bre was the con­vinc­ing win­ner of the first sea­son of the real­i­ty tal­ent show The Voice of Ger­many in Feb­ru­ary. In the grand final, the girl with the vel­vet voice (who had been coached by The BossHoss Band) sang three songs… and com­plete­ly enthralled the judges, the audi­ence and the tele­vi­sion viewers.

Since then Ivy Quain­oo has been much in demand with all the media. She recent­ly went on a Ger­many tour and has appeared at The Dome and the Blue­tone Fes­ti­val as well as in the Har­ald Schmidt Show and on the TV pro­grammes Germany’s next Top­mod­el and Ver­ste­hen Sie Spaß.

Ivy had orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to study singing when she left high school. A nat­ur­al singer, she is already at the start of an impres­sive career. We wish her con­tin­ued great success.

Please wel­come Ivy Quainoo

Ivy will round off ENER­GETIX’s long await­ed annu­al event with her unmis­tak­ably silky, souly voice. Every­one agrees it will be a fan­tas­tic music and dance expe­ri­ence. In addi­tion to her win­ning song Do you like what you see? (which you can hear right away on this YouTube clip), Ivy will enchant the audi­ence with oth­er songs and with her stage presence.

An unfor­get­table gala evening and par­ty await you. Add a bounce to your step as you launch into the next decade!