The waiting will soon be over… at long last: the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz is opening its doors for the ENERGETIX Bingen Catalogue Launch 2012!
Raise the curtains! Saturday, 1 September, will be packed full of exciting things to do: in addition to the training events in the morning and afternoon, the schedule will also include the distributor awards, the presentation of the hot-off-the-press catalogue and the new jewellery collection as well as the grand evening gala.
And the question of questions: what will the new jewellery collection be like? What highlights from the designer forge will ENERGETIX be presenting to surprise its distributors?
But we won’t be revealing anything here yet! No can do – after all, we want to keep up the suspense.
For all those who haven’t yet had the pleasure of enjoying a Catalogue Launch and perhaps have even never been to the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate: both are something to really look forward to because it’s going to be a genuinely great event – one that all those attending will remember for a long time. So let us look forward to the excitedly awaited jewellery collection, a first-class catalogue and culinary delights, music and dance!