Working flat out: Everybody’s giving 200% and more

Just a few days and nights to go before THE event of the year, the high­light of the ENERGETIX year: the Cat­a­logue Launch 2012 at the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz.

It looks like a lot of work: jew­ellery design­er Janine Eisen­hauer is cur­rent­ly using these scripts to pre­pare her Launch presentation.

Expec­ta­tions are high – after all, ENERGETIX has gone from strength to strength from year to year. And so there are still some things to do: all depart­ments with­out excep­tion are work­ing flat out to make the Launch an absolute high­light. To enable you to enjoy an excit­ing day of train­ing and an unfor­get­table gala evening.

These blue box­es con­tain the still secret
new jew­ellery for the 2012/2013 season.

We hope that you – just like the entire team at ENERGETIX Bin­gen – are real­ly look­ing for­ward to the Launch and can hard­ly wait. 

The ENERGETIX team is already count­ing the days. And when the count­down – „three days / two days / one day“ – draws to its end, the excite­ment in the team will cer­tain­ly almost be tangible!

Join us in look­ing for­ward to meet­ing new peo­ple and see­ing old friends again!

The ENERGETIX team is ready, are you?