Do you still remember the hosts of earlier launches?

A charis­mat­ic male host and a charm­ing female host are essen­tial for a suc­cess­ful gala evening. So ENERGETIX selects its launch hosts very carefully.

The host this year will again be Ingo Nomm­sen — for the third time. His friend­ly and self-assured man­ner has proved very pop­u­lar and we are delight­ed that he will take us through the gala evening once again in 2012.

The smil­ing jour­nal­ist, radio edi­tor and TV pre­sen­ter is already known to many from ZDF tele­vi­sion’s morn­ing infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment mag­a­zine Volle Kanne — Ser­vice täglich and its Hal­lo Deutsch­land pro­gramme. Nurem­berg-born Ingo Nomm­sen has also made a name for him­self as an actor and announcer.


Bar­bara Schöneberg­er host­ed
the 2008 launch …

… togeth­er with
Ralf Bauer










ENERGETIX Bin­gen was also able to get high cal­i­bre tele­vi­sion and show busi­ness per­son­al­i­ties to host the gala in pre­vi­ous years. It is good to look back on ear­li­er launch­es. In 2008 the event was host­ed by Bar­bara Schöneberg­er, togeth­er with actor and yogi Ralf Bauer, who teach­es Tibetan yoga.

The quick-wit­ted Berlin res­i­dent delight­ed the 1000-odd dis­trib­u­tors in Mainz’s Rhein­gold­halle with her wit and her uncon­ven­tion­al man­ner. Ralf Bauer had two roles: as well as charm­ing the audi­ence with his cool and non­cha­lant style of host­ing he mod­elled the men’s jewellery.

Look for­ward to the high­lights and sur­pris­es that this year’s launch holds in store.

Togeth­er with the ENERGETIX staff mem­bers, you can look for­ward to a cat­a­logue launch that com­bines the unveil­ing of the brand new cat­a­logue with a pro­gramme of enter­tain­ment that promis­es to be great … 1 Sep­tem­ber is the date it will all happen!