A charismatic male host and a charming female host are essential for a successful gala evening. So ENERGETIX selects its launch hosts very carefully.
The host this year will again be Ingo Nommsen — for the third time. His friendly and self-assured manner has proved very popular and we are delighted that he will take us through the gala evening once again in 2012.
The smiling journalist, radio editor and TV presenter is already known to many from ZDF television’s morning information and entertainment magazine Volle Kanne — Service täglich and its Hallo Deutschland programme. Nuremberg-born Ingo Nommsen has also made a name for himself as an actor and announcer.
ENERGETIX Bingen was also able to get high calibre television and show business personalities to host the gala in previous years. It is good to look back on earlier launches. In 2008 the event was hosted by Barbara Schöneberger, together with actor and yogi Ralf Bauer, who teaches Tibetan yoga.
The quick-witted Berlin resident delighted the 1000-odd distributors in Mainz’s Rheingoldhalle with her wit and her unconventional manner. Ralf Bauer had two roles: as well as charming the audience with his cool and nonchalant style of hosting he modelled the men’s jewellery.
Look forward to the highlights and surprises that this year’s launch holds in store.
Together with the ENERGETIX staff members, you can look forward to a catalogue launch that combines the unveiling of the brand new catalogue with a programme of entertainment that promises to be great … 1 September is the date it will all happen!