Montenegro at its best

The train­ing trip to Mon­tene­gro, which took place from 18 to 21 May, was char­ac­ter­ized by a fan­tas­tic atmos­phere. A total of 24 trav­ellers were just hap­py to final­ly be able to enjoy an ENERGETIX trip, which qual­i­fi­ca­tion in the ‘BAMBE A MENTOR!’ com­pe­ti­tion had made pos­si­ble, again after the long interruption.

The men­tors enjoyed excel­lent weath­er as they became acquaint­ed with a coun­try in the Balka­ns that, with its Mediter­ranean flair and charm, delight­ed even those already real­ly famil­iar with Adri­at­ic and Mediter­ranean. They also enjoyed the beau­ti­ful green out­doors with spec­tac­u­lar adven­ture worlds and cli­mate zones that range across the entire band­width to be expe­ri­enced in Europe – from Mediter­ranean to con­ti­nen­tal to alpine.

The pro­gramme was accord­ing­ly var­ied: hik­ing through the moun­tain land­scape at the Lov­cen Nation­al Park with its vil­lages steeped in his­to­ry, trav­el­ling by boat to the fjords in the Bay of Boka and vis­it­ing the Kon­avle Val­ley close to the bor­der where the three coun­tries of Mon­tene­gro, Bosnia, and Herze­gov­ina meet – an area famous for its culi­nary spe­cial­i­ties and excel­lent wines.

The expe­ri­ence was one thing – the oth­er was the long-missed oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy swap­ping notes in per­son with each oth­er and with Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Alexan­der Link. All the men­tors had qual­i­fied on the basis of their spe­cial achieve­ments and were able to share their expe­ri­ences with high­ly inter­est­ed lis­ten­ers. The train­ing trip was nat­u­ral­ly also the ide­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to prop­er­ly hon­our and per­son­al­ly rec­og­nize the par­tic­i­pants’ spe­cial achievements.

An expand­ed team, top-class exchanges and a unique trav­el expe­ri­ence: BAM was worth­while and again showed all busi­ness part­ners what’s pos­si­ble with ENERGETIX.

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