NEW STARS event in Bingen – strong signal for all business partners

They’re on the best way towards a suc­cess­ful liveli­hood with mag­net­ic jew­ellery and well­ness prod­ucts: ENERGETIX’s NEW STARS. Fifty-five guests from Ger­many, France and Switzer­land attend­ed the NEW STARS event in Bin­gen on 28 and 29 April 2022.

The get-togeth­er was con­ceived as part of ENERGETIX’s com­pre­hen­sive moti­va­tion­al pro­gramme and was the first of its kind. Part­ners who are active in team-build­ing and are bring­ing new busi­ness part­ners into the fold were invit­ed to Bin­gen to expe­ri­ence direct­ly what, among oth­er things, the com­pa­ny is all about:

Man­age­ment up close

Roland Förster and Jes­si­ca Schlick wel­comed their guests at the NH Hotel on the banks of the Rhine. The two talked about how opti­misti­cal­ly they saw the future for those attend­ing. And they’re plan­ning to wel­come twice the num­ber of guests at the next NEW STARS get-together.

Effi­cient train­ing with moti­va­tion­al boost

The train­ing ses­sion with sales spe­cial­ist Andrea Hön­ne­mann, who out­lined her strat­e­gy for ‘grow­ing suc­cess­ful­ly with ENERGETIX’, was a step towards achiev­ing that goal. The day was more focused on team-build­ing because the prod­ucts vir­tu­al­ly sell themselves.

Strength­en­ing the per­son­al­i­ty and rein­forc­ing the team as well as very con­crete tips for win­ning busi­ness part­ners that could be put into prac­tice right away – these were the top­ics that were explored from a vari­ety of per­spec­tives, where­by the expe­ri­ences that the NEW STARS had already gained were made an impor­tant point in the dialogue. 

The par­tic­i­pants were able to get to know each oth­er and ben­e­fit from the mutu­al exchange.

Celebri­ty con­tact with Joey Kel­ly – up close and ‘with­out bounds’

As always, full of ener­gy, like­able and inspir­ing! That’s how ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners love THEIR Joey, who vis­i­bly felt at home in the com­pa­ny of the NEW STARS. It’s pos­si­ble to apply the prin­ci­ples of his ‘no lim­its’ approach, which allows him to keep on achiev­ing new goals as an extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty, to the busi­ness of ENERGETIX and is always invalu­able to partners. 

A spir­it that unites all

On their tour of the depart­ments at the company’s build­ing, the NEW STARS were also able to see a com­pa­ny that’s per­fect­ly set up to sup­port them. But, more impor­tant­ly, although most of the employ­ees are still cur­rent­ly work­ing from home, the vis­i­tors were able to meet some of the enthu­si­as­tic staff, who are ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing THEIR busi­ness part­ners and who show every day that every­one can always be approached and that they’re also there for every­one else. 

Opti­mism, moti­va­tion and a great atmos­phere char­ac­ter­ized the mood at this first NEW STARS event, which reached its social cli­max on Thurs­day evening with a sparkling-wine recep­tion, ster­ling food, awards and a great par­ty – a clear sig­nal that net­work mar­ket­ing is well on the road to recovery.

ENERGETIX is already look­ing for­ward to the next NEW STARS

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