STARCLUB enjoys the sun in Zandvoort

The weath­er couldn’t have been bet­ter and the atmos­phere dur­ing the whole event was sim­ply great. ENERGETIX invit­ed its best to the STARCLUB meet­ing that took place from 28 and 30 June in Zand­voort, the Nether­lands, dur­ing which the city and its sur­round­ings pre­sent­ed them­selves from their best sides. The 51 atten­dees were also sim­ply thrilled and delight­ed to final­ly be able to enjoy each other’s friend­ly com­pa­ny, includ­ing that of Roland Förster, Alexan­der Link and Jes­si­ca Schlick, in person. 

The event includ­ed unusu­al activ­i­ties to help the par­tic­i­pants exchange expe­ri­ences and to deep­en per­son­al and friend­ly bonds. One of these activ­i­ties saw par­tic­i­pants tak­ing charge of boats with eight pas­sen­gers on board to tour the canals of neigh­bour­ing Haar­lem. Sim­ply the per­fect activ­i­ty for lit­tle adven­tures. Every­thing turned out well, of course, so every­one was able to ful­ly enjoy the evening bar­be­cue buf­fet at a beach club that was locat­ed right at the beach. Chill­ing out togeth­er while watch­ing the sun­set – sim­ply lovely. 

The sec­ond day revolved around a few sports activ­i­ties: the STARS were able to expe­ri­ence the Zand­voort Nature Park on e‑bikes and enjoy a rein­vig­o­rat­ing pic­nic in the shade by a lake after which they were refreshed and ready for the next adven­ture: beach sail­ing on blokarts. The ris­ing wind ensured that the sandy beach soon became a gen­uine rac­ing track. The STARS real­ly enjoyed them­selves. A menu with sev­er­al cours­es and a glass of good wine in an award-win­ning restau­rant await­ed the mem­bers of the STARCLUB who then end­ed the evening with a great par­ty atmosphere.

The fol­low­ing day was ded­i­cat­ed to a guid­ed tour of the city that also took the par­tic­i­pants to some of Haarlem’s less­er-known places and loca­tions. The day end­ed with a meal in a rus­tic restau­rant that con­sti­tut­ed the per­fect con­clu­sion to an expe­ri­ence that was high­ly moti­vat­ing for all those who took part as well as for all oth­er busi­ness part­ners: the effort required to join the STARCLUB is worth­while – for busi­ness and there­fore for income because the abil­i­ty to dis­cuss expe­ri­ences with both the best and the man­age­ment is worth its weight in gold as are the oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op per­son­al­ly through social and friend­ly get-togeth­ers – par­tic­u­lar­ly in these dif­fi­cult times. 

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