BE A STAR – the STARCLUB get-together in Berlin: many countries, one team!

Berlin. With glo­ri­ous sun­shine and warm sum­mer tem­per­a­tures, the inter­na­tion­al STARCLUB mem­bers already start­ed their excit­ing Col­lec­tion Pre­miere week­end on Thurs­day, 25 August, to get togeth­er as a group and get in the mood for the upcom­ing pre­sen­ta­tion of the new collection!

After a con­vivial lunch snack in the sum­mer gar­dens of the Estrel Hotel and a wel­come speech by man­age­ment, things got seri­ous: Jes­si­ca Schlick, a mem­ber of the man­age­ment team, intro­duced all of the new STARCLUB mem­bers and inter­viewed these lucky Stars about their success. 160907_bildleiste_1_low_dg

Exclu­sive sneak preview
Before CIO/COO Alexan­der Link intro­duced the newest devel­op­ments from the area of IT,
the relax­ation mask Mag­ne­tRe­lax was pre­sent­ed to the Stars before the offi­cial launch. All of the par­tic­i­pants imme­di­ate­ly and enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly tried out this new ENERGETIX inno­va­tion with sev­en strong neodymi­um magnets!


All in white – an event filled with surprises
Very star-like and with a glass of Cham­pagne, the Stars depart­ed for a sen­sa­tion­al tour across Berlin in 11 cool stretch lim­ou­sines. The des­ti­na­tion of the ENERGETIX STARCLUB car­a­van? The Spreespe­ich­er gra­nary, a trendy Berlin event loca­tion. Here a red car­pet led to the evening event, the white din­ner par­ty, for which every­one dressed from head to toe in sum­mery white.


Right at the river­banks, the Stars enjoyed culi­nary del­i­ca­cies while watch­ing the sun go down over the Spree riv­er. Duly hon­oured, next the inter­na­tion­al STARCLUBBERS tru­ly enjoyed the ensu­ing par­ty with a DJ until midnight.


The pho­to box, which enabled all par­tic­i­pants to take unique sou­venir snap­shots with spe­cial acces­sories, was a source of great fun.

Here we have very exclu­sive­ly put togeth­er the most emo­tion­al impres­sions of the day.