Thanks for your feedback: ENERGETIX’s on-line questionnaire about the Collection Premiere 2016

An invi­ta­tion went out again this year to all ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners – whether they were at the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in Berlin or not – to take part in the sur­vey about the event. That’s because ENERGETIX cares about all its busi­ness part­ners‘ wish­es and suggestions.


Three attrac­tive jew­ellery sets from the col­lec­tion will be giv­en giv­en away to win­ners drawn from all par­tic­i­pants. The lucky win­ners are:

Alexan­dra Kirch­n­er (DE)

Elis­a­beth Oelgray (DE)

Ali­cia Verkaart (NL)

Many thanks to all who took part and we hope the win­ners real­ly enjoy their new jew­ellery sets!