Exciting news from the USA: ENERGETIX’s friend and model, Juan Antonio Crawford, has released a music video!

Our pop­u­lar ENERGETIX mod­el, Juan Anto­nio Craw­ford, is not only a mod­el and actor, he’s also a musi­cian and has just released his own song and video! You can lis­ten to “Only One” and pur­chase and down­load both the song and video from his web­site at www.iamjantonio.com.

Website Juan Antonio

Have you noticed, by the way, that Juan is wear­ing ENERGETIX jew­ellery in the video? The large black pen­dant in the shape of a cross is his favourite!

He has told us that the songs on his EP are to be grad­u­al­ly released over the com­ing months (and may also be pur­chased at www.iamjantonio.com) – which means that his fans have got some­thing to look for­ward to. This isn’t his first appear­ance in a video clip: Juan also appeared in the video for the release of „Best thing I nev­er had“ (2011) by inter­na­tion­al super­star, Bey­on­cé Knowles.

Variety_Juan Antonio

Juan Anto­nio can also cur­rent­ly be seen in the new spot for the new Lexus.

This lav­ish­ly pro­duced Clip was pre­mièred to a mas­sive audi­ence at the Super Bowl 49.

And here’s the short mak­ing-of film for the adver­tis­ing clip for you.


Coop­er­a­tion turns into a bond and friendship

Katalogcover 2010_2011

Juan Anto­nio with singer, Sarah Con­nor – 2010/2011 cat­a­logue cover

The suc­cess sto­ry for both Juan Anto­nio and ENERGETIX already com­menced 2010, which was when ENERGETIX booked the US mod­el for the pho­tos for the 2010/2011 main cat­a­logue. In it, he appeared with suc­cess­ful Ger­man singer, Sarah Con­nor and the Columbian mod­el, Karen Car­reno, along with the win­ner of two Oscars, Kevin Cost­ner, to present the jew­ellery in pho­tos for ENER­GETIX’s cat­a­logue in 2011 against the fan­tas­tic back­drop of a desert in the USA.


Juan Anto­nio Craw­ford with mod­el Karen Car­reno – 2010/2011 catalogue

And coop­er­a­tion – hap­pi­ly – con­tin­ued. These projects were fol­lowed by the pho­to shoot­ing for the cat­a­logue released for ENER­GETIX’s 10th anniver­sary (2012/2013) in New York City with pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Heiko Prigge.

Juan NYC

At the pho­to shoot­ing for the 2012/2013 ENERGETIX cat­a­logue in NYC


Juan Anto­nio Craw­ford with Roland Förster, Sole Share­hold­er and CEO of ENERGETIX, and mod­el, Car­ol Lago, on Brook­lyn Bridge

Juan Launch

At the Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin in 2014:
Juan Anto­nio with ENERGETIX busi­ness partners

Juan Anto­nio reg­u­lar­ly attends ENER­GETIX’s Cat­a­logue Launch­es. Where busi­ness part­ners are able to get up close to the like­able mod­el. The close links with ENERGETIX also go so far that Juan even signed up for the 2014 half marathon in Mainz to run the 21 kilo­me­tres as a mem­ber of the ENERGETIX team.


Juan Anto­nio with ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment and dur­ing the run

Suc­cess­ful in many areas

When asked about his plans for the near future, Juan says that he wants to ded­i­cate more time to act­ing in Los Angeles.

Juan am See

He’s cur­rent­ly work­ing on Series 12 of Grey’s Anato­my for the ABC chan­nel in the USA. He’s real­ly hap­py that he’s been giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to appear in this glob­al­ly suc­cess­ful format.

Asked about his per­son­al inter­ests, he says that he’s a “stu­dent of life” because “much of my time goes towards act­ing and music the­o­ry as well as human psy­chol­o­gy, phi­los­o­phy, anato­my and chem­istry. It prob­a­bly sounds rather bor­ing to most peo­ple but it keeps my mind sharp and my hunger for life zestful!”

Can we look for­ward to see­ing Juan Anto­nio again soon? The chances are good because he also intends to join the ENERGETIX team to run the half marathon in Mainz again this year; not least to improve on his pre­vi­ous year’s time.