ENERGETIX continues to show its concern for children

The char­i­ta­ble work con­tin­ues: ENERGETIX con­tin­ues its sup­port this year for the ”Creche Béu Macha­do” child day-care cen­tre in Sal­vador da Bahia in Brazil, which is financed entire­ly from dona­tions (FROGBLOG report­ed). As a result of the busi­ness part­ner raf­fle in Will­in­gen and a gen­er­ous con­tri­bu­tion from ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment, 4,000 euros were donat­ed to the chil­dren’s char­i­ty in Feb­ru­ary 2015. 

These impor­tant funds enabled the crèche to car­ry out urgent repairs, among oth­er things. ENERGETIX and its busi­ness part­ners have donat­ed near­ly 10,000 euros to this good cause.

Charity Brasilien 02

Our thanks go out to all who made this pleas­ing­ly high dona­tion possible!

You’d also like to make a dona­tion? Please see below for the dona­tions account details:

Lateinamerikazen­trum e.V.
Account num­ber: 48004
Spar­da West eG
Bank Code: 370 605 90
IBAN: DE26 3706 0590 0000 0480 04
Pur­pose: Creche Beu Macha­do, Brasilien / Brazil (this infor­ma­tion is essential!)