An unforgettable experience – the 2013 Catalogue Launch in Berlin

Impressive stage show at the 2013 Catalogue Launch

Impres­sive stage show at the 2013 Cat­a­logue Launch

Joey Kelly inspires his audience with a riveting talk

Joey Kel­ly inspires his audi­ence with a riv­et­ing talk

The pre­sen­ta­tion of the new mag­net­ic jew­ellery col­lec­tion and the „Pow­er of Nature“ cat­a­logue in Berlin on 31 August was accom­pa­nied by a gigan­tic stage show. A week after the most impor­tant ENERGETIX event of the year, the over­whelm­ing impres­sions of the occa­sion still res­onate in the minds of those who took part.

If you always want to keep up to date on ENERGETIX mat­ters, in addi­tion to FROGBLOG you now have the pos­si­bil­i­ty of „lik­ing“ the offi­cial ENERGETIX Face­book page – as over 2000 users have done since the Launch.