New videos on the ENERGETIX YouTube channel

The ENERGETIX YouTube-Kanal con­tains a lot of enter­tain­ing and infor­ma­tive videos from and about ENERGETIX Bin­gen and their num­bers are increas­ing all the time.

You will find plen­ty of things worth see­ing on the ENERGETIX YouTube chan­nel – from Ronan Keat­ing’s video mes­sage, the ENERGETIX image film, mak­ing-of-the-cat­a­logue films and reports on the com­pa­ny’s char­i­ty activ­i­ties to the „his­to­ry trail­er“ on the fir­m’s tenth anniver­sary and videos of the cat­a­logue launch­es. It’s worth check­ing them out! 

We have also just cre­at­ed three new prac­ti­cal trail­ers for you. The infor­ma­tive and instruc­tive videos „New book­ings“, „The busi­ness idea“ and „Online train­ing“ pro­vide begin­ners with help­ful tips and insights and expe­ri­enced dis­trib­u­tors are sure to prof­it from the expe­ri­ences and sug­ges­tions, too.

We hope you enjoy them!