The STARCLUB meeting ahead of the Collection Premiere 2018

Focus on har­mo­ny and teamwork

The cur­rent STARCLUB already met for the moti­va­tion and team event in Wies­baden on the Thurs­day in advance of the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. The focus was on har­mo­ny and mutu­al sup­port. It was the inter­na­tion­al char­ac­ter of the exclu­sive group in par­tic­u­lar that turned the meet­ing into an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn from each oth­er’s expe­ri­ences and strategies.

Team spir­it was also put to a very spe­cial test at the event as dur­ing a drag­on boat racethe par­tic­i­pants were able to expe­ri­ence at first hand what effect good team­work has on suc­cess. The small regat­ta was lots of fun for all and pro­duced the required desire to win along with the impor­tant real­iza­tion that it’s only pos­si­ble to achieve progress when peo­ple work togeth­er har­mo­nious­ly and take care of each oth­er – right in line with the mot­to of ‘lead­ing by exam­ple and fol­low­ing the lead’.

The stars were award­ed their well-deserved recog­ni­tion over the course of the evening in the boathouse of the Schier­stein Row­ing Club that pre­sent­ed a won­der­ful view of the Rhine. That was also when all the new mem­bers received mov­ing praise and recog­ni­tion by men­tors and part­ners alike. All STARCLUB mem­bers were then pre­sent­ed with excep­tion­al items of jew­ellery from the new col­lec­tion as a spe­cial thank you. Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster sub­se­quent­ly pro­vid­ed an overview of the lat­est devel­op­ments at the company.

The evening was round­ed off by a deli­cious meal and atmos­pher­ic music, which, as at so many events, prompt­ed the par­tic­i­pants to get up on the dance floor. A suc­cess­ful event with lots of fun and an effec­tive exchange of experiences.

This way to the pho­tos.