Joey Kelly on the road

This sum­mer was ded­i­cat­ed to tack­ling the sec­ond major leg of the pic­turesque North Sea Cycling Route. So Joey joined up with Jean­nie Lon­go-Ciprel­li, French Olympic gold medal­list, record-break­ing pro­fes­sion­al cyclist and – with 13 world cham­pi­onships – the most suc­cess­ful female cyclist of all times, along with pro­fes­sion­al cyclist, Rudi Altig, to con­quer the remain­ing 3,000 of the just under 6,000 kilo­me­tres in total. 

The leg­endary inter­na­tion­al cycle route runs through the Nether­lands, Ger­many, Den­mark, Swe­den, Nor­way and Great Britain. This year’s trip took the cyclists from Calais in France to North Cape in Nor­way. There will be a five-part pro­gramme pro­duced by Arte and ZDF about the trip to look for­ward to (trans­mis­sion dates haven’t been set yet). But here’s a first pho­to of the bike trip for you.

Joey Nordseeküsten-Radwanderweg