Presenting Tanja Bülter, the fashion expert for the ENERGETIX Catalogue Launch 2013

Tanja Bülter, 25.05.2011 in BerlinFash­ion jour­nal­ist and media coach Tan­ja Bül­ter will enhance this year’s Cat­a­logue Launch with her charm­ing­ly pre­sent­ed insid­er knowl­edge of the industry.

A fash­ion-con­scious Berlin­er, she has been host­ing numer­ous events — char­i­ty galas, press con­fer­ences, soci­ety reports, vernissages — for years and is known to a wide pub­lic through her appear­ances on n‑tv and RTL TV. ENERGETIX Bin­gen has now man­aged to hire this media pro­fes­sion­al in 2013 to host the jew­ellery show. This young moth­er will con­tribute valu­able infor­ma­tion and expert tips on ENER­GETIX’s eager­ly await­ed new jew­ellery col­lec­tion. The inter­na­tion­al par­tic­i­pants in the Launch can already look for­ward to her appear­ance in the Estrel Berlin on 31 August 2013!