Always in action: Joey Kelly takes on one sporting challenge after another… and sportEX is there

Joey runs through deserts and on one occa­sion ran right across the Repub­lic, to men­tion but a few of his feats. We even report­ed here on FROGBLOG about his not-to-be-imi­tat­ed moun­tain (!) bike chal­lenge in the Baltic Sea. Now there is fur­ther news about this Irish bun­dle of ener­gy who nev­er tires of tak­ing on almost any sport­ing chal­lenge, no mat­ter how unusu­al it may be.

Togeth­er at the summit
So Joey Kel­ly dared to climb to the sum­mit of the Lienz Dolomites with Andy Holz­er, an Aus­tri­an who has been blind since birth. The report on this event will be broad­cast by ZDF at 5.45 pm on Sat­ur­day, 10 August.


Along the North Sea Coast Cycle Path
„It was fan­tas­tic, we had a great time!“ Togeth­er with ex-pro­fes­sion­als Jean­nie Lon­go (13-time wom­en’s world cycling cham­pi­on and Olympic gold medal­ist) and Rudi Altig (for­mer world cycling cham­pi­on), Joey Kel­ly embarked on the North Sea Coast Cycle Path, the longest cycle path in the world. The trio cov­ered 2,500 of the 6,200 km long trail. The high­lights of their tour through Scot­land and Eng­land have been sum­ma­rized in a five-part Arte documentary.

Arte will be repeat­ing parts 1 — 3 on 17 August, start­ing at 2.55 pm (parts 4 and 5 have already been repeat­ed on 8 and 9 August — both at 7.45 am).

Guest of Ingo Nomm­sen on the „Volle Kanne“ programme
This enthu­si­as­tic sportEX wear­er encoun­tered long-time ENERGETIX Launch pre­sen­ter Ingo Nomm­sen on ZFD’s „Volle Kanne“ pro­gramme. The pair talked open­ly and gen­uine­ly about past chal­lenges — such as, for exam­ple, Joey’s extreme fast (which we would also ask you not to imi­tate) — and about planned activities.

Click here to view the infor­ma­tive con­ver­sa­tion between Joey Kel­ly and Ingo Nommsen.

Pan­el mem­ber on „Die 25“ 
Any­thing else about Joey Kel­ly? Joey also appears as a pan­el mem­ber on the RTL rank­ing show „Die 25“ host­ed by Son­ja Ziet­low, which depicts bizarre and „incred­i­ble“ events.