„Open day“ at ENERGETIX Turkey

Tag der offenen Tür Türkei 02

The new busi­ness part­ners took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see ENER­GETIX’s cur­rent jew­ellery col­lec­tion at the new offices.

ENERGETIX Turkey is con­tin­u­ing its sto­ry of suc­cess and held an open day in Istan­bul on 31 May 2014.

Over 30 busi­ness part­ners and inter­est­ed par­ties accept­ed the invi­ta­tion to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain a more detailed impres­sion of ENERGETIX, its prod­ucts and its busi­ness idea. The response to the train­ing pro­vid­ed at ENERGETIX Turkey’s own train­ing room was also great – so it could be said that the meet­ing was an all-round success!

Tag der offenen Tür Türkei 03

Tol­ga Delik­taş, Branch Man­ag­er (right), with busi­ness partners

The event took place in the com­pa­ny’s new head­quar­ters, because as a result of the very pleas­ing rapid devel­op­ments at ENERGETIX Turkey, the com­pa­ny has already had to move to new and larg­er premis­es, which also include a sep­a­rate train­ing room (which busi­ness part­ners are able to use). 

We wish the branch man­ag­er, Tol­ga Delik­taş, and his team con­tin­ued success!