STARCLUB meeting in Mainz: the video of the event

Starclub, Energetix Mai 2014

The time had come again in May for STARCLUB mem­bers from five dif­fer­ent coun­tries in Europe to come togeth­er for a live­ly event where they could enjoy pre­sen­ta­tions, swap expe­ri­ences and join in the fun of team-build­ing activ­i­ties on water.

Starclub 09.05.14 111

Suc­cess­ful combination
The event in Mainz gave the inter­na­tion­al stars the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­vide feed­back and make their own con­crete con­tri­bu­tions to com­pa­ny devel­op­ments as well as to have fun by tak­ing to the water dur­ing the out­door phys­i­cal activ­i­ties on the Riv­er Rhine. And it nat­u­ral­ly goes with­out say­ing that the get-togeth­er also rep­re­sent­ed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to hon­our the best!

Impres­sive video
We have com­piled the high­lights of the event in a short film. You’ll find it and many oth­er films by and about ENERGETIX on ENERGETIX’s YouTube chan­nel.