ENERGETIX business partners working for a good cause and dedicating themselves to both physical and social challenges – cycling „at its best“

Cycling, sportEX and char­i­ty: sim­ply the per­fect match. A fact that has been demon­strat­ed twice again by ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners from both the Nether­lands and Ger­many: Den­nis Jansen and a team led by Brit­ta Hartmann.


Den­nis Jansen
On 6 May 2014, our busi­ness part­ner in the Nether­lands, Den­nis Jansen, impres­sive­ly suc­ceed­ed in his phys­i­cal­ly demand­ing attempt to cycle up Mont Ven­toux three times in suc­ces­sion on his rac­ing bike. This 1911-metre high moun­tain is locat­ed in the Provence in France and has not only been incor­po­rat­ed into the Tour de France sev­er­al times – it is also infa­mous for being real­ly dif­fi­cult to con­quer! This ambi­tious event – the „Cinglé du Mont Ven­toux“ – of which Den­nis Jansen is an offi­cial club mem­ber is only some­thing for endurance experts who are absolute­ly in top form. So it was right up Den­nis Jansen’s street!


Accom­pa­ny­ing Den­nis Jansen up the moun­tain: sportEX bracelets!

But the event did­n’t only rep­re­sent a phys­i­cal chal­lenge: Den­nis Jansen decid­ed to donate one euro for every sale of a sportEX arti­cle (bracelet or neck­lace) to the „Spieren voor Spieren“ foun­da­tion („Mus­cles for Mus­cles“), which active­ly sup­ports chil­dren suf­fer­ing from mus­cle disease.

By set­ting a good exam­ple, Den­nis Jansen hopes his efforts will moti­vate oth­er ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners to also do good!

Brit­ta Hart­mann and Team
Brit­ta Hart­mann, who is an ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ner, along with a ded­i­cat­ed team of fam­i­ly mem­bers, oth­er ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners and cus­tomers joined the „24h Ener­gy Ride“, which took place on 25 May 2014. The event was held to break a world record and help a good cause.

The task was to gen­er­ate so much ener­gy through indoor cycling over 24 hours that it would be pos­si­ble to dri­ve an elec­tri­cal­ly-pow­ered car over a dis­tance of 50 kilo­me­tres. Thanks to the teams‘ high-octane lev­els, the car was able to trav­el more than twice that dis­tance: 105.6 kilometres!

A total of 1800 par­tic­i­pants in 60 teams joined in to give their every­thing on 120 indoor bicy­cles. One of which was kept going for 24 hours by the ENERGETIX team. With suc­cess: the world record was bro­ken and an entry in the Guin­ness Book of Records guar­an­teed. So an ENERGETIX sportEX team helped achieve a world record. All cyclists involved may be jus­ti­fi­ably proud of their performances!


Funds from the event are to be donat­ed to the Löwen­herz chil­dren’s hos­pice in Synke near Bremen.

„It’s par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant to me that, when I asked my col­leagues over Face­book to donate, so many respond­ed spon­ta­neous­ly and con­tributed with their dona­tions that we were able to reserve a bicy­cle for ENERGETIX and cycle for a good cause. I was total­ly over­whelmed and for me it was an absolute­ly clear sign that ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness part­ners and ENERGETIX itself stand for human­i­ty and that we stand togeth­er for each oth­er and for a good cause.“ (Brit­ta Hartmann)

We con­grat­u­late both Den­nis Jansen and Brit­ta Hart­mann as well as her team on their impres­sive phys­i­cal suc­cess­es and thank them for their remark­able ded­i­ca­tion to social causes!