Exchanging experiences and team-building in a relaxed outdoor atmosphere

BERLIN, the Thurs­day before the Launch: a day in the area sur­round­ing Berlin had been arranged for the inter­na­tion­al STARCLUB mem­bers who had trav­elled to the event from sev­en coun­tries. The trip took them, ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment and guests from Puer­to Rico and the USA to Lake Wolziger in near­by Brandenburg.


Sail­ing trip with STAR cast
The most beau­ti­ful sun­shine and high spir­its accom­pa­nied the guests on their trip out into the lake. It must be said that some of the team seemed to feel a bit like pirates as they pre­pared the boat, hoist­ed sail and exe­cut­ed the team nav­i­ga­tion tasks. The sev­en yachts then met in the shape of a STAR in the mid­dle of the lake – after which the joint sport­ing expe­ri­ence became even more enjoy­able for the more than 80 par­tic­i­pants as sparkling wine and snacks were served.


Inter­na­tion­al exchange of experiences
Back on land, in the roman­ti­cal­ly sit­u­at­ed yacht club, the bar­be­cue buf­fet and relaxed atmos­phere cre­at­ed the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for an inten­sive exchange of expe­ri­ences. The man­age­ment was also on hand with open ears for all the stars.


Emo­tions welled up again as the time arrived for the STARCLUB mem­bers to be con­grat­u­lat­ed on their per­for­mances and sur­prised with exclu­sive small gifts. The day was brought to a suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion with exu­ber­ant music and danc­ing at the yacht club before the team was returned to the hotel in Berlin.


We’ve put togeth­er a few impres­sions of the day in an on-line pho­to album for you.