Tol­ga Delik­taş, head of ENERGETIX in Turkey, joined forces with suc­cess­ful ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners, Bülent and Aysegül Bek­tas Cen­net, on the Turk­ish Busi­ness Chan­nel to present the promis­ing busi­ness idea and a range of prod­ucts to a wide audience. 

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-09 um 11.08.22

Gül­gün Fey­man, the pop­u­lar TV pre­sen­ter, was notice­ably impressed and she liked ENER­GETIX’s jew­ellery so much that she imme­di­ate­ly put on a few items and host­ed the show with a whole series of bracelets and oth­er pieces.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-09 um 11.09.06