Strong performance: the 2015 ENERGETIX Catalogue Launch in Berlin!

ENER­GETIX’s Cat­a­logue Launch is an event of superla­tives and the response from busi­ness part­ners to ENER­GETIX’s 2015 mega event with its many high­lights is overwhelming!

Uti­liz­ing strengths. Just give it a go!
Peo­ple trav­elled from 23 coun­tries to Berlin to take part in the top event of ENER­GETIX’s year! Roland Förster, ENER­GETIX’s Sole Share­hold­er and CEO, gave a very warm wel­come to his guests and, after his moti­vat­ing speech that reviewed the pre­vi­ous year and looked for­ward to the next, he invit­ed this year’s host on to the stage: Bar­bara Schöneberg­er! This was the third time she’d been booked to present the Launch, which means that she’s prac­ti­cal­ly become a per­ma­nent mem­ber of the ENERGETIX family!



Trend-ori­ent­ed and varied
And then the time arrived: with­in the scope of a clev­er­ly chore­o­graphed pre­sen­ta­tion, expres­sive dancers revealed the new col­lec­tion of mag­net­ic jew­ellery. Two jew­ellery design­ers from ENERGETIX in Bin­gen pro­vid­ed accom­pa­ny­ing mate­r­i­al descrip­tions and inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion about the indi­vid­ual pieces.



The new col­lec­tion also includes four new trend cat­e­gories under the entic­ing mot­to of POWERFUL FELLOWS – these are appro­pri­ate­ly named:


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The count­down then began and the busi­ness part­ners looked for­ward with excite­ment to the unveil­ing of the cat­a­logue. And, to the delight of all, the cov­er of the new cat­a­logue revealed that none oth­er than our Launch host – Bar­bara Schöneberg­er – had been cho­sen as the face of ENER­GETIX’s new cat­a­logue for 2016!

Awards for busi­ness part­ner have always been part of how ENERGETIX in Bin­gen works – and so the hon­ours were again an impor­tant item on the pro­gramme this year: whether new­com­ers, STARCLUB mem­bers or par­tic­u­lar­ly suc­cess­ful team builders… ENERGETIX brought them all on the stage to cel­e­brate them as they deserved!

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And the day had many more high­lights to offer: pro­fes­sion­al train­ing by voice coach, Liz Howard; the new train­ing-trip com­pe­ti­tion revealed by Dr Klaus Peter Thiel; the IT news pre­sent­ed by Alexan­der Link; an appear­ance by sports friend, Joey Kel­ly; a mov­ing pre­sen­ta­tion by our char­i­ty part­ner, Hugo Tem­pel­man and, and, and…

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But if you thought it could­n’t get any bet­ter, you’d be wrong: Roland Förster then announced the pre­mière of ENER­GETIX’s own com­pa­ny song, which was per­formed right on the spot by the “Voice of Ger­many” final­ist, Men­na Muluge­ta, and band. Stand­ing ovations!

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Those who did­n’t want to the evening to end after the four-course din­ner gala with Pomp Duck and Cir­cum­stance were warm­ly invit­ed to par­ty until late into the night. The Radio Sic live band and DJ Hilde cre­at­ed a sen­sa­tion­al atmosphere.

The par­tic­i­pants will cer­tain­ly remem­ber this impres­sive event for a long time to come!

We’ve put togeth­er the best impres­sions in an on-line pho­to album for you.