Entertaining three-day seminar in Wetzlar

Near­ly 80 dis­trib­u­tors attend­ed a „first-rate“ sem­i­nar in Wet­zlar from 19 to 21 April 2013.

Four suc­cess­ful ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors and train­ers – Ulrich Lang, Sjaak Janssen, Sabine Kaiser-Mar­tin and Markus Dietz – were respon­si­ble for the pro­fes­sion­al input.

Gruppenbild Wetzlar 1

A great atmos­phere: the three-day train­ing event in Wet­zlar pro­vid­ed not only a lot of sug­ges­tions and prac­ti­cal tips but also plen­ty of fun and good entertainment.

The pro­gramme includ­ed home par­ties (giv­ing infor­ma­tion but pri­mar­i­ly con­cen­trat­ing on the goals the group iden­ti­fied as being nec­es­sary for suc­cess) and how to use „select­ed laws of dai­ly life“ in one’s work as an inde­pen­dent dis­trib­u­tor. In addi­tion, par­tic­i­pants learned how to han­dle frus­tra­tions (which some­times arise on the way to suc­cess) through a role-play exercise. 

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The aim and focus on the Sun­day was on one’s own busi­ness –with the help of a „suc­cess jour­nal“ ded­i­cat­ed to express­ing one’s goals in pos­i­tive terms. 


The week­end sem­i­nar in Wet­zlar left par­tic­i­pants look­ing for­ward to the next meet­ing. And a fur­ther cause for plea­sure: 700 euros was raised for the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion as a result of the train­ing event!