STARCLUB meeting in Strasbourg

At the start of May it was that time again: a meet­ing was held of the „best of the best“ – this time in Stras­bourg — to exchange ideas and take part in train­ing activities. 


The first day took the form of a get-togeth­er in a his­tor­i­cal set­ting. The pro­gramme includ­ed a sight­see­ing vis­it of the city and a boat tour on the Ill. In addi­tion, trib­ute was paid to the achieve­ments of the STARCLUB mem­bers and cer­tifi­cates were award­ed. On the sec­ond day, the actu­al train­ing day, the „stars“ heard the com­pa­ny news first hand from sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster and CIO Alexan­der Link.



ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors can see the pho­tos of this very spe­cial two-day event via the Quick­News enti­tled „STARCLUB in the Euro­pean capital“.