Joey Kelly and the ENERGETIX runners reached the finish: the Gutenberg Marathon


This year the Novo Nordisk Guten­berg Marathon took place in Mainz on Mother’s Day. The 29-strong team of ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors and staff – togeth­er with Joey Kel­ly, whose pres­ence gave an extra boost to moti­va­tion – left the start­ing line at 9.30 am.

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The half marathon course took the run­ners from the Town Hall through the city’s Old Town and Down­town areas, into the Weise­nau and Mom­bach dis­tricts and then back to the Town Hall/Rheingoldhalle start­ing point – to run down the home straight after a lit­tle over 21 kilometres.

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The moti­va­tor
A true sports­man and gen­tle­man, Joey Kel­ly ran back unprompt­ed – after he had already crossed the fin­ish line – to help an exhaust­ed ENERGETIX run­ner com­plete the last few metres.

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Run­ning beside her, he kept on encour­ag­ing our dis­trib­u­tor till she man­aged to reach the fin­ish line. Thank you, Joey!

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Worn out but happy
All of the run­ners who start­ed for ENERGETIX crossed the fin­ish line after the half marathon course of exact­ly 21.0975 kilo­me­tres – in a cool 14°C tem­per­a­ture. With one excep­tion: one mem­ber of the ENERGETIX staff actu­al­ly ran the full 42 km marathon (well done, Erik)!

Sport­ing event with a char­i­ty aspect
For every kilo­me­tre run, ENERGETIX Bin­gen donat­ed three euros (instead of the one euro orig­i­nal­ly announced) to the char­i­ta­ble Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion. As a result about 2,000 euros were raised for the good cause.