This year the Novo Nordisk Gutenberg Marathon took place in Mainz on Mother’s Day. The 29-strong team of ENERGETIX distributors and staff – together with Joey Kelly, whose presence gave an extra boost to motivation – left the starting line at 9.30 am.
The half marathon course took the runners from the Town Hall through the city’s Old Town and Downtown areas, into the Weisenau and Mombach districts and then back to the Town Hall/Rheingoldhalle starting point – to run down the home straight after a little over 21 kilometres.
The motivator
A true sportsman and gentleman, Joey Kelly ran back unprompted – after he had already crossed the finish line – to help an exhausted ENERGETIX runner complete the last few metres.
Running beside her, he kept on encouraging our distributor till she managed to reach the finish line. Thank you, Joey!
Worn out but happy
All of the runners who started for ENERGETIX crossed the finish line after the half marathon course of exactly 21.0975 kilometres – in a cool 14°C temperature. With one exception: one member of the ENERGETIX staff actually ran the full 42 km marathon (well done, Erik)!
Sporting event with a charity aspect
For every kilometre run, ENERGETIX Bingen donated three euros (instead of the one euro originally announced) to the charitable Hugo Tempelman Foundation. As a result about 2,000 euros were raised for the good cause.