Code of Ethics: Commitment to ethical business practices and consumer service

ENERGETIX Kataloglaunch 2012

Michelle Vigu­ié

Michelle Vigu­ié, Vice Pres­i­dent and Head of Cus­tomer Rela­tions of ENERGETIX USA empha­sizes and stress­es on the impor­tance to com­ply with the DSA Code of Ethics. She address­es that: „The cor­ner­stone of the Direct Sell­ing Asso­ci­a­tion’s (DSA) com­mit­ment to eth­i­cal busi­ness prac­tices and con­sumer ser­vice is its Code of Ethics. As a mem­ber com­pa­ny, ENERGETIX Bin­gen has pledged to abide by the code’s stan­dards and pro­ce­dures as a con­di­tion of admis­sion and con­tin­u­ing mem­ber­ship in DSA

The DSA Code of Ethics speaks to both the con­sumer and the sell­er. It ensures that ENERGETIX Bin­gen, as a mem­ber com­pa­ny, will make no state­ments or promis­es that might mis­lead either con­sumers or prospec­tive sales peo­ple. Pyra­mid schemes are ille­gal and com­pa­nies oper­at­ing pyra­mids are not per­mit­ted to be mem­bers of the DSA. Mem­bers of the DSA are bound by the Code of Ethics and should fol­low the Pros­e­lyt­ing Guide­lines set by the DSA. Pros­e­lyt­ing is the term of art used in direct sell­ing to describe the attempt to con­vert one or more sales force mem­bers from one com­pa­ny to anoth­er. The ethics and legal­i­ty of efforts to attract sales­peo­ple from one com­pa­ny to anoth­er is a sub­ject of fre­quent and intense dis­cus­sion by indus­try mem­bers. The Direct Sell­ing Asso­ci­a­tion has adopt­ed guide­lines regard­ing these prac­tices of which sales­peo­ple and com­pa­nies should be aware.


The DSA Code of Ethics is enforced by an inde­pen­dent code admin­is­tra­tor who is not con­nect­ed with any mem­ber com­pa­ny. The code admin­is­tra­tor will do every­thing pos­si­ble to resolve any com­plaints to the sat­is­fac­tion of every­one involved, and has the pow­er to decide on reme­dies. ENERGETIX Bin­gen has agreed to hon­or the admin­is­tra­tor’s decisions.

ENERGETIX Bingen’s com­pli­ance with the Code of Ethics makes a bold state­ment about our com­mit­ment to prac­tic­ing the high­est ethics in busi­ness. By doing busi­ness with ENERGETIX Bin­gen, as DSA mem­ber com­pa­ny, the field sales force and the ulti­mate con­sumer can be sure they are deal­ing with a com­pa­ny seri­ous about pro­vid­ing qual­i­ty and ser­vice at the high­est levels.

For more infor­ma­tion on the DSA Code of Ethics please vis­it