Particularly interesting for newcomers: gift packaging and presentation articles

ENER­GETIX’s exten­sive range of addi­tion­al arti­cles is avail­able to help ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors per­fect­ly stage ENERGETIX mag­net­ic jew­ellery and well­ness prod­ucts at trade fairs, mar­kets and sales events. New­com­ers espe­cial­ly will find this range of prod­ucts par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful in the prepa­ra­tion of their sales.

Pre­sen­ta­tion arti­cles: ide­al for trade fairs and sales events
Among the things, ENERGETIX pro­vides jew­ellery busts, dis­plays, roll-up bags and trays for the per­fect pre­sen­ta­tion of its jew­ellery. These sales mate­ri­als will bring out the best in each item of jewellery.

You’ll also find oth­er sales mate­ri­als such as stands, ban­ners and fly­ers in the exten­sive range of PP articles.


Match­ing gift packaging
The appro­pri­ate pack­ag­ing for each item of jew­ellery and every occa­sion is avail­able from ENERGETIX Bin­gen’s wide selec­tion of car­tons, bags and fold­ed box­es. Dis­trib­u­tors will find a large range of cas­es (main­ly held in ENERGETIX blue) and sil­ver-coloured pack­ag­ing, which will not only pro­tect the jew­ellery but also con­sti­tute the per­fect gift wrap – even with­out addi­tion­al gift-wrap­ping paper.

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For exam­ple, the lit­tle ver­sa­tile zipped bag (PP432) or the pil­low packs (PP09) that are avail­able in the prac­ti­cal set of 10. In a shiny sil­ver colour, these car­tons sized 11 x 8 cm are ide­al for hold­ing small­er items of jew­ellery. Wrapped in sil­ver colour silk paper (PP164), the pieces to be pre­sent­ed may be addi­tion­al­ly pro­tect­ed against slip­ping in the fold­ed box. This paper is sup­plied in sets of 10 sheets each sized 70 x 25 cm.

ENERGENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors should not for­get to draw their „new­com­er’s“ atten­tion to the addi­tion­al var­ied range of PP arti­cles that will make set­ting out as an inde­pen­dent ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tor easier.