ENERGETIXDRIVE on Facebook: the group is growing

Since ENERGETIXDRIVE’s incep­tion, the enthu­si­asm of dis­trib­u­tors for ENERGETIX Bin­gen’s car leas­ing pro­gramme has remained unabat­ed. This is hard­ly sur­pris­ing as it enables the com­pa­ny’s suc­cess­ful dis­trib­u­tors to obtain a car from the pro­gramme at rock bot­tom leas­ing and insur­ance terms. The new Mer­cedes Benz A‑Class for instance.

The pos­i­tive response of dis­trib­u­tors to the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme is con­firmed by the fact that a sep­a­rate ENERGETIXDRIVE group has quick­ly formed on Face­book, with a large num­ber of fans:

Facebook ENERGETIXDrive Screenshot

The closed Face­book group posts news, infor­ma­tion and pho­tos about this attrac­tive pro­gramme and the dream cars avail­able under it.

NB: ENERGETIX Bin­gen dis­trib­u­tors who are inter­est­ed can apply to the group admin­is­tra­tor for membership.