The stunning competition training trip to Canada: this way to the photos!

A hap­py group of top busi­ness part­ners fell “Under Nature’s Spell” from 4 to 10 Octo­ber! The Rocky Moun­tains, glac­i­ers, cow­boy hats: you’ll find the best pho­tos from the trip in this Flickr on-line album!

Kanada 2015

Under Nature’s Spell: the com­pe­ti­tion train­ing trip to the Cana­di­an Rocky Mountains


Joined the group from Turkey: Gül and Sinan Batir


Pure adven­ture: tour across the glacial ice


Wildlife watch­ing included!

Kanada (131)

Busi­ness part­ner, Won­ja Koch, relax­ing at dizzy heights: only pos­si­ble with ENERGETIX

Kanada (209)

Impor­tant pro­gramme point: Hon­our­ing the best


The spir­its were always high even when tem­per­a­tures were freez­ing low