The first STARCLUB meeting in 2017 on 16 and 17 February — Heidelberg presented itself from its best side

Roman­tic Hei­del­berg turned out to be an ide­al loca­tion for exchang­ing expe­ri­ences, shar­ing first-hand infor­ma­tion and cul­ti­vat­ing and strength­en­ing friendships. 

Roman­tic Hei­del­berg turned out to be an ide­al loca­tion for exchang­ing expe­ri­ences, shar­ing first-hand infor­ma­tion and cul­ti­vat­ing and strength­en­ing friendships.
That the 55 par­tic­i­pants from Den­mark, Ger­many, France, the Nether­lands and Switzer­land grew even clos­er dur­ing the first STARCLUB meet­ing in 2017 was not least due to the fact that they were all able to explore the city in a speed-dat­ing style so that every­body got to chat to every­body else. Lunch at the ‘Kul­tur­brauerei’ – a gen­uine insid­er tip – immersed every­body in the tra­di­tion of the his­tor­i­cal uni­ver­si­ty city while the evening event at ‘Level12’ pre­sent­ed the mod­ern and con­tem­po­rary side of this vibrant city on the banks of the Riv­er Neckar – the ide­al venue for hon­our­ing the STARCLUB mem­bers at a friend­ly get-togeth­er and par­ty. The view across the evening city from this unique loca­tion: cap­ti­vat­ing and breathtaking. 

Roland Förster, Sole Share­hold­er and CEO, wel­comed the guests on Fri­day evening with ‘first-hand’ infor­ma­tion about the com­pa­ny. Alexan­der Link then pro­vid­ed back­ground news about cur­rent and future web­shop projects and chaired the sub­se­quent feed­back dis­cus­sion. Jes­si­ca Schlick also direct­ed atten­tion towards the future – specif­i­cal­ly towards the top­ic of ‘Set­ting Goals for 2017’. The Fin­ish­er Awards 2016 demon­strat­ed that goals are well worth pur­su­ing. The renewed pre­sen­ta­tion of ‘Inja’ was def­i­nite­ly anoth­er high­light of the STARCLUB event in Hei­del­berg. ENERGETIX’s first dietary sup­ple­ment was pre­sent­ed live in greater detail by the phar­ma­cist Dr Beck­er who then remained avail­able for a more inten­sive round of questions.

Being a mem­ber in ENER­GETIX’s STARCLUB – the high­est award for best per­for­mances. Hei­del­berg once again demon­strat­ed how reward­ing it is to reach this goal and to be rec­og­nized for doing so. 

Here are the pho­tos for you!