Kick-off day 2017: the Netherlands makes a lively and enthusiastic start to the new business year

The meet­ing to kick off the year for the busi­ness part­ners in the Nether­lands took place in the old town of Tiel, in the east Nether­lands, on 28 Jan­u­ary. More than 80 peo­ple accept­ed the invi­ta­tion sent out by Mar­greth Janssen, Cor Janssen and Wilma Sen­gers and looked for­ward to a very spe­cial day. Alexan­der Link (CIO / COO) and Joost van Winger­den of Cus­tomer Sup­port also made the trip from Bin­gen to the event.

Lots of news and new jew­ellery items await­ed the par­tic­i­pants: Alexan­der Link talked about the new Face­book group and spoke pos­i­tive­ly about the new cus­tomer newslet­ter. The new SPRING / SUMMER 2017 col­lec­tion was also well received. Par­tic­i­pants were able to take a look – and, of course, try on – the new creations.

The response to anoth­er new­ly launched prod­uct was also very pos­i­tive: Inja, the dietary sup­ple­ment with turmer­ic, green tea and Q10, devel­oped exclu­sive­ly for ENERGETIX.

Besides the many impor­tant facts and back­ground infor­ma­tion that were pre­sent­ed about the new prod­uct, the event also pro­vid­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty for par­tic­i­pants to try Inja directly.

The changes to the com­pe­ti­tion, which now allows dif­fer­ent rewards to be select­ed, the train­ing by Helmy Klein­lugten­beld that focused on ‘The Source of Your Suc­cess’, the raf­fle and the enrich­ing exchange of expe­ri­ences were also very well received.

We are very grate­ful to the orga­niz­ers and every­one who turned up for this mag­nif­i­cent event!

What the par­tic­i­pants are saying:

“A big thank-you to the orga­niz­ing team for the excel­lent prepa­ra­tions and plan­ning of this day. It’s great to have our ‘own’ train­ing day in the Nether­lands!” (Ger­da Hawinkels)

“Great train­ing by Helmy – I learned a lot. It’s also very nice that some­one from the man­age­ment came to pro­vide clear infor­ma­tion. I’m now able to appre­ci­ate the orga­ni­za­tion more.” (Willemi­jn van Wanrooy)

“I learned a lot today. To meet a mem­ber of the man­age­ment and to feel the ener­gy that ENERGETIX radi­ates was some­thing real­ly spe­cial for me. The train­ing opened my eyes. Absolute­ly rec­om­mend­ed! Thanks to the orga­niz­ing team.” (Monique Deitz)

“A very instruc­tive day from which I was able to draw lots of inspi­ra­tion. Pleas­ant con­ver­sa­tions. A great day over­all.“ (Met­ty Groenwold)

“A pleas­ant and instruc­tive day. I start­ed sell­ing ENERGETIX jew­ellery in Novem­ber and got lots of tips about how to increase my suc­cess – both in my per­son­al life and in busi­ness. A very nice day for meet­ing new col­leagues.” (San­dra Reijnen)

 “This was my first time at such an event so it was very nice to see every­body and to admire the new col­lec­tion ‘live’. The work­shop was very instruc­tive, a lot of things became clear and lots of lit­tle pieces of the puz­zle clicked into place. I’m so glad I was able to take part. I met many nice peo­ple! Thank you!” (Sil­via Feller)

 “The sec­ond kick-off day was again very instruc­tive and nice. A great start to 2017 with ENERGETIX. It was also very nice that Alex came, too, with lots of news and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to taste the new INJA! I fur­ther appre­ci­at­ed being able to see the spring col­lec­tion ‘in the flesh’ – just like at the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. That gives us so much more because you can then try the pieces on. And it’s addi­tion­al­ly very nice to meet both famil­iar and new col­leagues. The work­shop was very instruc­tive. Com­pli­ments to the orga­niz­ers.” (Car­o­line Jagtenberg)