Thanks to all participants – the launch was fabulous!

Our spe­cial thanks to every­one who was present at the launch on Sat­ur­day, 1 September.

It was a fan­tas­tic day. From the use­ful train­ing ses­sions to the long-await­ed pre­sen­ta­tion of the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion with acro­bat­ics, jug­gling and music all the way through to the evening gala, the 2012 ENERGETIX Launch was a great suc­cess all along the line.

Thank you for your par­tic­i­pa­tion, which helped to make the 2012 Launch so won­der­ful. We also of course thank every­one involved on stage or behind the scenes — in oth­er words, our thanks to every­one who made the launch what it was: a tremen­dous, stan­dard-set­ting event!