See a short film of the Launch highlights: Lights out, start the film!

You could­n’t attend the 2012 Cat­a­logue Launch? Or maybe you were there and can’t get enough of the intox­i­cat­ing pho­tos of that spe­cial Sat­ur­day in Mainz am Rhein?

We have done every­thing in our pow­er to share the high­lights with you!

To make this hap­pen, ENERGETIX hired a pro­fes­sion­al film team that assid­u­ous­ly record­ed the whole day at the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz. The results have just been edit­ed into a short film that is now avail­able on YouTube.

See the high­lights of a fan­tas­tic enter­tain­ment pro­gramme includ­ing acro­bat­ics, jug­gling and much more. Young singer Ivy Quain­oo from Berlin cap­ti­vat­ed every­body with her vel­vety soul­ful voice.

And this year a celebri­ty pro­vid­ed a big sur­prise for the enthu­si­as­tic audi­ence, too. Franziska van Alm­sick, the leg­endary swim­mer, mod­elled the exclu­sive sportEX bracelets in front of the camera.

Look for­ward to see­ing Messrs Förster, Thiel and Link again. Also Ingo Nomm­sen and Ralf Bauer. Do you rec­og­nize any of the dis­trib­u­tors you know? Can you spot some of our high­ly moti­vat­ed staff members?

Did you know? From now on you can watch this and oth­er ENERGETIX Bin­gen videos on the spe­cial ENERGETIX chan­nel on YouTube:

Just make your­self com­fort­able and enjoy the stim­u­lat­ing impres­sions from the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz!