STARCLUB event with a special twist

Great spir­its and lots of fun while act­ing – that’s how the atmos­phere dur­ing the STARCLUB meet­ing that took place in Bin­gen on 3 and 4 May could be described. The venue – which was turned into a pro­fes­sion­al­ly super­vised film loca­tion – was the NH Hotel on the banks of the Riv­er Rhine.

The pro­tag­o­nists were the ENERGETIX STARS, who enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly and total­ly immersed them­selves into the com­plex mate­r­i­al: great per­for­mances were pre­sent­ed in regard to the sto­ry­board, cast­ing, make-up and even direct­ing. As well as, of course, in the lead­ing and sup­port­ing roles.


The cin­e­mat­ic enthu­si­asm of our STARS dur­ing the shoot is reflect­ed in the three results, which had their pre­mieres after the evening menu at Burg Klopp. Roland Förster’s trib­ute to the STARCLUB mem­bers was com­ple­ment­ed this time with Oscars for all the par­tic­i­pants and three Spe­cial Awards for Out­stand­ing Achievements.

The great atmos­phere with the 54 STARS who had trav­elled from the Nether­lands, Den­mark, France, Switzer­land and Ger­many tran­si­tioned seam­less­ly into a live­ly film-gala party.

The Sat­ur­day after was marked by an infor­ma­tive meet­ing on ENERGETIX’s premis­es at which the most impor­tant news was shared first hand in advance with the STARCLUB members.

The ses­sion allowed ques­tions and sug­ges­tions to be explored in direct exchanges with the man­age­ment. The pos­i­tive feed­back about the sub­jects dis­cussed con­sti­tut­ed a great end to a very suc­cess­ful STARCLUB event.


This way to the Flickr Album with more impres­sions from this mag­nif­i­cent event!