Marrakesh – journey to another time, to another world

That you can end up in a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent and fas­ci­nat­ing world after what feels like a short-haul flight – that’s what the 22 par­tic­i­pants of ENERGETIX’s train­ing trip to Mar­rakesh expe­ri­enced. The name alone con­jures up excit­ing images of vibrant and ori­en­tal diver­si­ty that are then far sur­passed by what can actu­al­ly be expe­ri­enced there.

The first day alone pre­sent­ed the full pack­age: div­ing into the mag­i­cal atmos­phere of the Med­i­na mar­ket place with jug­glers, snake charm­ers and musi­cians along with an incred­i­ble selec­tion of goods being hawked by hun­dreds of traders. All this fills the air with a unique sound, accom­pa­nied by the fan­tas­tic smell of ori­en­tal food – a feast for the senses.

A some­what dif­fer­ent ral­ly was kicked off in the mid­dle of this unique atmos­phere with the aim of help­ing the trav­ellers dis­cov­er the his­to­ry and cul­ture of this mag­i­cal place. Appro­pri­ate­ly, the night was spent at the Riad Dar Jus­to, a state­ly vil­la at the heart of Marrakesh.


The fol­low­ing day was devot­ed to the aspect of valu­able details that this city, which has been able to keep its tra­di­tions alive, presents. ENERGETIX’s busi­ness part­ners were par­tic­u­lar­ly tak­en with the many small and open stu­dios where tan­ners, black­smiths and wood­work­ers – who are more artists than arti­sans – could be observed at their work. Anoth­er world, anoth­er time – still full of life today. A ‘tuk-tuk’ whisked the vis­i­tors down nar­row alleys to a styl­ish restau­rant in the evening.

The third day was ded­i­cat­ed to a trip to the Atlas moun­tains. This was where the par­tic­i­pants dis­cov­ered how com­plex the pro­duc­tion of Morocco’s pre­cious argan oil is on a trip to a coop­er­a­tive where it is made.

A Berber fam­i­ly pre­sent­ed the secrets of mak­ing tea in the Agafag desert  – a true cer­e­mo­ny. A ride on the camel was, of course, a must on a lit­tle excur­sion into the desert.



The evening meal, which was served in a Berber tent, was a very spe­cial expe­ri­ence as it pre­sent­ed the unique set­ting to cel­e­brate the win­ners of the Mar­rakesh ral­ly as well as the birth­day of Cécile Car­bonel, the busi­ness part­ner from France.

The high­light of the fourth day was the trip to the Yves Saint Lau­rent Muse­um and the Majorelle Gar­den that revealed that the fash­ion design­er did not only excel with won­der­ful cre­ations at his cho­sen profession.

This excur­sion into the Ara­bi­an world was brought to a close with an evening meal at the mod­ern Jad Mahal Restau­rant, where Andreas Förster, stand­ing in for his father, award­ed the cer­tifi­cates to the par­tic­i­pat­ing com­pe­ti­tion qual­i­fiers. He empha­sized how valu­able the ENERGETIX train­ing trips are, also from the point of view of per­son­al exchanges and learn­ing from each other.

The unfor­get­table impres­sions of this train­ing trip to Mar­rakesh demon­strate once again that ENERGETIX’s ses­sions are great oppor­tu­ni­ties for busi­ness part­ners to moti­vate both them­selves and their entire teams.

More impres­sions from this extra­or­di­nary jour­ney are to be found on Flickr.