Product presentation – sales training – winning business partners: Magnificent intensive seminar in Blaubeuren

Those who’ve already been to the train­ing event that takes place every year in Blaubeuren know how effec­tive and warm it is and always want to come back. So it’s no sur­prise that there were so many busi­ness part­ners in atten­dance again on 7 and 8 Octo­ber 2017.

The pro­gramme for the two-day event was again impres­sive. These were just a few of the topics:

  • ’The 10 char­ac­ter­is­tics of peo­ple in busi­ness that deliv­er sus­tained suc­cess with ENERGETIX
  • ‘How get­ting in touch with cus­tomers and speak­ing to busi­ness part­ners become natural’
  • ‘Con­cen­tra­tion on the most impor­tant activ­i­ties in busi­ness with ENERGETIX: call­ing, accom­pa­ny­ing team part­ners and ‘Every­thing to do with orga­niz­ing jew­ellery parties’’
Intensiv-Seminar Blaubeuren

“Learn from those who are already where you want to be!“ The orga­niz­ing team from left to right: Ulrich Lang (also sem­i­nar man­age­ment), Karin and Klaus Beck­er, Biba Marseglia

Old hands pro­vid­ed tips, new high fly­ers were inter­viewed: new­com­ers and returnees shared their per­son­al expe­ri­ences with the par­tic­i­pants in an inten­sive exchange! An expert work­shop also pro­vid­ed lots of help­ful input in regard to sales, prepar­ing hosts, win­ning team part­ners and team management.

A bonus pro­gramme includ­ed relax­ation tech­niques, suc­cess med­i­ta­tion and suc­cess yoga!

Intensiv-Seminar Blaubeuren

What the par­tic­i­pants are saying:

“I always come away from ENERGETIX events high­ly moti­vat­ed … but this time I was total­ly buzzing. I can’t say it in words. I’m moti­vat­ed and full of dri­ve right down to the tips of my hair; it’s absolute­ly mad. Thanks to all par­tic­i­pants.” (Daniela Schulte)

“The week­end was over­whelm­ing!!! THANKS (Ali­na Naif)

“I just can’t tell you how valu­able these two days in Blaubeuren were for me again … A mas­sive thank-you not only to the train­ers but also (and espe­cial­ly) to the par­tic­i­pants whose open­ness (hon­est, true, authen­tic) taught me so much” (Wolf­gang Düsener)

“A week­end with lots to think about and mas­sive amounts of pos­i­tive ener­gy. Thank you so much.”  (Ang­ie Go)

Intensiv-Seminar Blaubeuren