Our business partners in Puerto Rico with a great scheme: a special service for “gift ideas”

Every sec­re­tary has had to quick­ly orga­nize a gift – for the boss‘ wife, the busi­ness asso­ciate, the per­son cel­e­brat­ing an anniver­sary, some­times even for the entire work­force. When? Well, yes­ter­day, of course!

Our busi­ness part­ners in Puer­to Rico have set their sights on this tar­get group con­sist­ing of peo­ple who – as sec­re­taries and per­son­al assis­tants in count­less offices around the world – again and again face the task of hav­ing to find gifts for per­son­al friends or busi­ness acquain­tances. Busi­ness part­ners in Puer­to Rico have decid­ed to draw this group’s atten­tion to ENER­GETIX’s broad range of jew­ellery by offer­ing a spe­cial ser­vice for gift ideas.

A scheme that’s worth copying 


Because we think it’s a great idea. ENER­GETIX’s col­lec­tion includes a broad range of jew­ellery that will meet any need and fit any bud­get thus mak­ing it easy to choose the ide­al gift. There’s also a large selec­tion of gift pack­ag­ing to go with it which means that find­ing the per­fect present is real­ly simple.

This is some­thing worth keep­ing in mind when you meet a sec­re­tary or per­son­al assis­tant at one of your jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions. The bud­get that such peo­ple are able to use for gifts is some­times quite con­sid­er­able. A quick men­tion of the gift idea may already be enough for you to eas­i­ly gen­er­ate repeat sales over the long-term.