„Open the doors!“ Ralf Bauer, a charity project and lots and lots of art

Ralf Bauer, god­fa­ther of the Advent-Art calendar’s
Twelfth Day

FROGBLOG first report­ed BMW’s Art Advent Cal­en­dar project that is being staged in sev­er­al cities for the „Artists for Kids“ char­i­ty on 1 Decem­ber. With­in the scope of this char­i­ty event that is being held in Munich, Berlin and Frank­furt am Main, promi­nent back­ers will be open­ing „their“ Advent cal­en­dar „doors“ – behind which works of art (donat­ed to the project by the respec­tive artists) have been con­cealed from 1 to 24 December. 

Ralf Bauer, who has for sev­er­al years been work­ing with jew­ellery design­ers at ENERGETIX Bin­gen to cre­ate the „Inspired by Ralf Bauer“ range, will also be par­tic­i­pat­ing in this project. With Han­nelore Elsner, Dominic Raacke, Kat­ja Flint, Chris­t­ian Berkel and many oth­er celebri­ties, he is back­ing one of the 24 con­tem­po­rary works of art cre­at­ed for BMW’s Art Advent Cal­en­dar 2012.

Specif­i­cal­ly, Ralf Bauer will be back­ing the twelfth work of art, a sculp­ture by the sculp­tor, Hen­doc. And this is a duo that works real­ly well togeth­er because when they met at the artist’s stu­dio, Ralf Bauer active­ly got involved – with chain­saw, mal­let and chis­el – in turn­ing a wood­en block into a sculp­ture with the artist.

Ralf Bauer play­ing with fire

The twelfth „door“ on the XXL Advent Cal­en­dar is to be opened on Wednes­day, 12 Decem­ber 2012 – in the pres­ence of Hen­doc, Ralf Bauer and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the spon­sor­ing com­pa­ny (Beth­mann Bank) – to reveal the wood sculp­tor’s work, which will then be pre­sent­ed on the façade of BMW’s build­ing in Munich (Lenbach­platz 7a).

Inter­est­ed read­ers may find out more about this year’s Art Advent Cal­en­dar (which is in its fifth incar­na­tion), the artists and the celebri­ty back­ers in the spe­cial issue of „Char­i­ty Mag­a­zin Dezem­ber 2012“ and online at www.kunstadventskalender.de.

Ful­ly con­cen­trat­ed : artist Hen­doc and actor Ralf Bauer in partnership