FROGBLOG first reported BMW’s Art Advent Calendar project that is being staged in several cities for the „Artists for Kids“ charity on 1 December. Within the scope of this charity event that is being held in Munich, Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, prominent backers will be opening „their“ Advent calendar „doors“ – behind which works of art (donated to the project by the respective artists) have been concealed from 1 to 24 December.
Ralf Bauer, who has for several years been working with jewellery designers at ENERGETIX Bingen to create the „Inspired by Ralf Bauer“ range, will also be participating in this project. With Hannelore Elsner, Dominic Raacke, Katja Flint, Christian Berkel and many other celebrities, he is backing one of the 24 contemporary works of art created for BMW’s Art Advent Calendar 2012.
Specifically, Ralf Bauer will be backing the twelfth work of art, a sculpture by the sculptor, Hendoc. And this is a duo that works really well together because when they met at the artist’s studio, Ralf Bauer actively got involved – with chainsaw, mallet and chisel – in turning a wooden block into a sculpture with the artist.
The twelfth „door“ on the XXL Advent Calendar is to be opened on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 – in the presence of Hendoc, Ralf Bauer and representatives of the sponsoring company (Bethmann Bank) – to reveal the wood sculptor’s work, which will then be presented on the façade of BMW’s building in Munich (Lenbachplatz 7a).
Interested readers may find out more about this year’s Art Advent Calendar (which is in its fifth incarnation), the artists and the celebrity backers in the special issue of „Charity Magazin Dezember 2012“ and online at