ENERGETIX to dedicate itself entirely to art and charity on 15 December 2012

Franziska Knuppe is the celebri­ty backer of the 15th „door“ on BMW’s Art Advent Cal­en­dar – a project in which ENERGETIX is par­tic­i­pat­ing for the first time this year – and is to open „her“ door at the Jumeirah Hotel in Frank­furt am Main.

The inter­na­tion­al­ly suc­cess­ful mod­el – along with the actor, Ralf Bauer, among oth­ers (see pre­vi­ous FROGBLOG report) – is one of 24 back­ers for the works of art that the respec­tive artists are donat­ing to char­i­ty. As the backer for the 15th „door“, Franziska Knuppe vis­it­ed Ilona Arndt at her stu­dios in Hanover to join forces with the artist and paint a pic­ture for the calendar.

Ilona Arndt and
Franziska Knuppe

And today, on Sat­ur­day, 15 Decem­ber 2012, the 15th „door“ on the larg­er-than-life advent cal­en­dar is to be opened and the day’s spe­cif­ic work of art revealed at a fes­tive event being held at the Jumeirah (MyZeil Gallery) in Frank­furt. Inci­den­tal­ly, it’s the first time that the XXL Art Advent Cal­en­dar is also being staged in Frank­furt am Main in addi­tion to Berlin and Munich.

Besides the artist, Ilona Arndt, who is donat­ing her work of art, and her backer, Franziska Knuppe, the man­age­ment at ENERGETIX Bin­gen, which is con­tribut­ing to the pro­jec­t’s suc­cess by mak­ing a large dona­tion to the „Artists for Kids“ char­i­ty, will also be in atten­dance at the event.

A fur­ther high­light besides the unveil­ing of the work of art for the Art Advent Cal­en­dar will be the pre­sen­ta­tion of an enter­tain­ing short film show­ing the pro­duc­tion of a sec­ond joint work of art by Ilona Arndt and Franziska Knuppe. You can watch this short film here!

Teamed togeth­er on a paint­ing: artist Ilona Arndt and mod­el Franziska Knuppe

Inter­est­ed read­ers will find all 24 „sto­ries“ and pho­tos of the works of art donat­ed by the 24 artists in the spe­cial edi­tion of „Char­i­ty Mag­a­zin Dezem­ber 2012“. The 24 films may also be watched on an online Advent cal­en­dar at www.kunstadventskalender.de. www.kunstadventskalender.de.