„Magnetschmuck Hochrhein“ – Dominique and Roland Strauß open a retail shop with an adjacent training room

Inde­pen­dent ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors Dominique and Roland Strauß are now advis­ing on and sell­ing the ENERGETIX prod­uct line not only at jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions, fairs and mar­kets. The com­mit­ted cou­ple also presents the ENERGETIX col­lec­tion in the 50 m² shop they have just opened in the Baden-Würt­tem­berg town of Jestet­ten, Ger­many. Our hearty congratulations!


A par­tic­u­lar­ly prac­ti­cal fea­ture: the premis­es also include an upstairs train­ing room.

Dominique stress­es that they will con­tin­ue to focus on jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions but that the shop also offers them the addi­tion­al pos­si­bil­i­ty of show­ing attrac­tive dec­o­ra­tion ideas to new distributors.

The open­ing of the shop was an unqual­i­fied suc­cess and promis­es an aus­pi­cious future, with lots of enthu­si­as­tic cus­tomers and new­com­ers to mag­net­ic jewellery..

„It was AMAZING,“ Dominique said. „We were com­plete­ly run off our feet and did not even have time to talk to every­body indi­vid­u­al­ly.“ (Dominique Strauß)