ENERGETIX: growth-oriented and successful in Finland

The sto­ry of ENER­GETIX’s suc­cess in Fin­land start­ed around 10 years ago
with Mar­i­anne Kosta­mo, a mem­ber of the team set up by the Switzerland-based
inde­pen­dent dis­trib­u­tor, Renée Piguet. The third per­son to help busi­ness in
Fin­land is Mer­ja Fer­ahyan, who start­ed work­ing with ENERGETIX in March 2012 and
is today the ded­i­cat­ed con­tact for all dis­trib­u­tors in the coun­try. In con­junc­tion with Mar­i­anne Kosta­mo, she is now respon­si­ble for ENERGETIX in the north of Europe.

Training with Merja

Train­ing in Fin­land with Mer­ja Ferahyan

Cos­mopoli­tan Renée Piguet trav­els once or twice a year to Fin­land to sup­port her team there. The most recent impor­tant train­ing ses­sions were held in Espoo/Helsinki, Heino­la and Kuo­pio in Feb­ru­ary 2014. These meet­ings were also high­ly suc­cess­ful: all in all, they were attend­ed by around 30 enthu­si­as­tic men and women.

The response to the new spring / sum­mer col­lec­tion was over­whelm­ing. Every­one just want­ed to hold the pieces, said Renée Piguet. A very good sign which was expres­sive of the eager­ness with which the par­tic­i­pants had been wait­ing to see and feel the qual­i­ty of the new creations.

Merja Ferahyan and Renée Piguet

Mer­ja Fer­ahyan with Renée Piguet

Mer­ja Fer­ahyan used a very infor­ma­tive Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion, which
was very well received by all, to explain the new col­lec­tion. With her special
train­ing, Renée Piguet was able to spur on the par­tic­i­pants and even boost
their moti­va­tion – and that in a relaxed atmos­phere accom­pa­nied by a light

The dynam­ic ladies are plan­ning to focus even more on the spe­cial wish­es and needs of the peo­ple in Fin­land and to orga­nize more train­ing ses­sions for them because „Fin­land is big“. On-line train­ing ses­sions in Finnish are also to follow.