Kevin Costner wears ENERGETIX

Kevin Cost­ner, the Amer­i­can actor, film pro­duc­er, direc­tor and musi­cian who appeared on the cov­er of the 2011/2012 ENERGETIX cat­a­logue, wears ENERGETIX Bin­gen mag­net­ic jew­ellery — at a pho­to shoot for Arqueonautas.

In the Novem­ber issue of the fash­ion mag­a­zine InStyle, Oscar win­ner Kevin Cost­ner can clear­ly be seen wear­ing ENER­GETIX’s braid­ed bracelet 1750 in the dou­ble-page Arqueo­nau­tas advertisement.

The same mag­a­zine also con­tains a ten-page fash­ion fea­ture with sought-after mod­el Franziska Knuppe. FROGBLOG read­ers can find out about the con­nec­tion between Franziska Knuppe and ENERGETIX Bin­gen in one of the com­ing articles.