A very special type of charity: The Art Advent Calendar

Besides its com­mit­ment to the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion, ENERGETIX Bin­gen will this year be par­tic­i­pat­ing in a very spe­cial char­i­ty: the BMW Art Advent Cal­en­dar, which 2012 is being pub­lished for the fifth time.

The prin­ci­ple on which it is based com­bines art with celebri­ties and busi­ness­es to cre­ate a char­i­ty project with this „trio“ that attracts great atten­tion in the media. How­ev­er, the actu­al fig­ure is not actu­al­ly three, but 24:

Twen­ty-four artists – in con­junc­tion with a celebri­ty backer – have each cre­at­ed a work of art for a spe­cial Advent cal­en­dar and donat­ed it to char­i­ty. Renowned busi­ness­es and media com­pa­nies have helped fund the over­all project and this year, all pro­ceeds are to be donat­ed to the „Artists for Kids“ charity.

The project, which was estab­lished in 1999 by Bernd Eichinger (1949 — 2011) among oth­ers, pro­vides unbu­reau­crat­ic help to chil­dren as well as young peo­ple and their fam­i­lies liv­ing in Munich who find them­selves in dif­fi­cult situations.

Three cities – three giant Advent calendars

In the days lead­ing up to Christ­mas, the show­room win­dows at BMW in Munich (Lenbach­platz 7a) and Berlin (Kur­fürs­ten­damm 31) and the façade of the MyZeil-Galerie (Große Esch­er­sheimer Straße 10 / Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 2) in Frank­furt’s city cen­tre are going to be turned into XXL Advent cal­en­dars. A „door“ will be opened each day from 1 to 24 Decem­ber to reveal the respec­tive work of art. The par­tic­i­pat­ing artists along with their back­ers and busi­ness spon­sors as well as the ini­tia­tors and press rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be attend­ing the events at which the works of art are to be presented.

The ENERGETIX Char­i­ty Event at the Jumeirah, Frankfurt

ENERGETIX Bin­gen will be „sup­port­ing ‚door‘ No. 15“ and is plan­ning to turn the 15th Decem­ber into an event. We will not be reveal­ing the names of the artist and backer just yet – after all, the ENERGETIX „door“ is only going to be offi­cial­ly opened at the Jumeirah to reveal the work of art (which we are also keep­ing secret!) on Sat­ur­day, 15 Decem­ber 2012.

Films, on the eve of Christmas

Twen­ty-four short films doc­u­ment­ing the cre­ation of the respec­tive works of art are also going to be trans­mit­ted on the N24 tele­vi­sion chan­nel from 1 to 24 Decem­ber. The film about ENER­GETIX’s work of art will, of course, be trans­mit­ted on 15 Decem­ber – at 12.05 p.m. All films are to be shown around the clock on the Inter­net at N24.de.