Besides its commitment to the Hugo Tempelman Foundation, ENERGETIX Bingen will this year be participating in a very special charity: the BMW Art Advent Calendar, which 2012 is being published for the fifth time.
The principle on which it is based combines art with celebrities and businesses to create a charity project with this „trio“ that attracts great attention in the media. However, the actual figure is not actually three, but 24:
Twenty-four artists – in conjunction with a celebrity backer – have each created a work of art for a special Advent calendar and donated it to charity. Renowned businesses and media companies have helped fund the overall project and this year, all proceeds are to be donated to the „Artists for Kids“ charity.
The project, which was established in 1999 by Bernd Eichinger (1949 — 2011) among others, provides unbureaucratic help to children as well as young people and their families living in Munich who find themselves in difficult situations.
Three cities – three giant Advent calendars
In the days leading up to Christmas, the showroom windows at BMW in Munich (Lenbachplatz 7a) and Berlin (Kurfürstendamm 31) and the façade of the MyZeil-Galerie (Große Eschersheimer Straße 10 / Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 2) in Frankfurt’s city centre are going to be turned into XXL Advent calendars. A „door“ will be opened each day from 1 to 24 December to reveal the respective work of art. The participating artists along with their backers and business sponsors as well as the initiators and press representatives will be attending the events at which the works of art are to be presented.
The ENERGETIX Charity Event at the Jumeirah, Frankfurt
ENERGETIX Bingen will be „supporting ‚door‘ No. 15“ and is planning to turn the 15th December into an event. We will not be revealing the names of the artist and backer just yet – after all, the ENERGETIX „door“ is only going to be officially opened at the Jumeirah to reveal the work of art (which we are also keeping secret!) on Saturday, 15 December 2012.
Films, on the eve of Christmas
Twenty-four short films documenting the creation of the respective works of art are also going to be transmitted on the N24 television channel from 1 to 24 December. The film about ENERGETIX’s work of art will, of course, be transmitted on 15 December – at 12.05 p.m. All films are to be shown around the clock on the Internet at