Gutenberg Marathon on 6 May – a unique experience!

ENERGETIX once again field­ed the largest group of ath­letes at this year’s half marathon in Mainz. It was a true cel­e­bra­tion for the run­ners in the com­pa­ny shirts in blue – which matched the bright blue sky.

And it was much more than just a run: the entire man­age­ment was present, sev­er­al mem­bers of the STARCLUB, ENERGETIX employ­ees – all in the ‘goose-pim­ple’ atmos­phere of a sport­ing event at which sev­er­al thou­sand par­tic­i­pants let them­selves be car­ried across the fin­ish­ing line by the spec­ta­tor’s thun­der­ous applause and the pow­er­ful music from the loud­speak­ers. It’s some­thing you need to have expe­ri­enced for yourself!

EXER­GETIX’s run­ners also enjoyed addi­tion­al sup­port: extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty Joey Kel­ly had also donned the blue ENERGETIX shirt to again keep to his promise that he would to help every team mem­ber across the fin­ish­ing line. To be accom­pa­nied across the line by this charis­mat­ic per­son after 21 km: pure emotion!

CEO and Sole Share­hold­er Roland Förster took the oppor­tu­ni­ty that an inter­view on the SWR stage pre­sent­ed to explain what made ENER­GETIX’s pres­ence at the Mainz Marathon so spe­cial: for every kilo­me­tre run, the com­pa­ny donates two euros to its char­i­ty part­ner, the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion. So Roland Förster was able to hand over the round­ed-up fig­ure of 5,000 euros to Lies­je Tem­pel­man, the wife of the char­i­ty’s founder, who – along with her sons – had also joined the runners.

Liv­ing at and with ENERGETIX brings many warm and mov­ing moments – and every­one is able to enjoy a whole range of them at the Guten­berg Marathon. That’s why ‘See you next year’ is sim­ply the nat­ur­al way of say­ing good­bye at the end of this event. And, as men­tioned above, it’s some­thing that you have to expe­ri­ence first hand – whether as a fast or slow run­ner or as a spec­ta­tor on the side­lines. So make a note of the next run and join us for a unique expe­ri­ence in 2019 – the 20th Guten­berg Marathon.

Here are the pho­tos for you!